Lesson in Life:Ihsan



Literal: To be good, to beautify

Technical meaning: To do what is beautiful or make things beautiful

Ihsan is also defined as worshiping Allah as if you see him and even though you don't see Him, He surely sees you. 

Ihsan towards Allah

  1. Ibadah (worship): Ibadah is defined as serving or being a servant. The kind of Ibadah must not be an obligatory act. For example, a person fasting on Monday and Thursday is actually applying ihsan because he is doing it voluntarily. 
  2. Ikhlas (Sincerity): Ikhlas means purity or cleanliness. Technically, it refers to the act of turning the mind and heart away from everything other than Allah. Ihsan is to act as if one sees god. It means the person does things for God's sake alone because he wants to please Allah and fears displeasing Him. Ihsan helps us to be wary or god-fearing in our deeds. We will be thoughtful and careful before act. 

Ihsan towards His creation

  • Ihsan towards Parents

-the highest level of Ihsan towards His creation

-We should respect and obey to our parents but only in what is permissible. Obedience to parents is obligatory.

-Way to treat well one's parents: Don't say "Ugh" to them, Don't scold them, Adress them with respectable words, Talk to them softly, Submit oneself before them in humility out of compassion, Pray for them

  •  Ihsan towards all human

-Relatives: be affectionate, cooperative and helpful to each other

-Orphans: protect their wealth, maintain their rights, educate and instruct them, keep them away from what would harm them, not being forceful with them, cheerful with them

-Needy: curb their hunger, clothing them without degrading them

-Neighbor: helpful, sharing each other sorrows and happiness

-Workers: paying him wages before his sweat dried, not forcing him to do unnecessary jobs.

-Wife: be kind and merciful to your wife, not raise his hand and beat his wife without a reasonable reason, be responsible to preserve her dignity by not insulting her in front of others, patient and calm in handling disputes or conflicts between them


  • Ihsan towards animals

-Islam allows people to slaughter animals for food but forbids them to kill the animals merely for fun and sport. Islam also allows the killing of dangerous and venomous animals and beasts of prey only because it values man's life more than their. Besides, Islam forbids man from kepping their animals hungry or putting intolerable burdens on them or beating them cruelly. 


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